Authentication types in AWS Amplify
Ruslan PrytulaJuly 30, 2020 10:42 PM
Image we are building a blog using AWS Amplify where guest-users can see the posts, authenticated users can read, create and administrators are allowed to do everything they want. Here is a small post of how to configure the auth rules and avoid Access Denied errors.
How to Add Native Code to a Flutter App using Platform Views on iOS
Oleksii RudenkoMay 14, 2019 8:00 AM
Step-by-step guide about how to add native code and native components to a Flutter app
How to Add Native Code to a Flutter App using Platform Views on Android
Oleksii RudenkoMay 14, 2019 8:00 AM
Step-by-step guide about how to add native code and native components to a Flutter app
How JustComments reduces the amount of fetched data
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 29, 2018 6:00 PM
How JustComments reduces the amount of fetched data with lazy loading resulting in 21.7 KB of downloaded data
Automatic Creation of Athena partitions for Firehose delivery streams
Oleksii RudenkoMay 11, 2018 12:00 PM
AWS Athena allows querying files stored in S3. AWS Kinesis Firehose allows streaming data to S3. But for efficient querying you need to split your data in partitions. Here is how you can automate the process using AWS Lambda
Getting Started with Web Push Notifications
Oleksii RudenkoApril 3, 2018 10:00 PM
I have heard about Web push notifications and Service Workers many times, but I have never implemented them until the last week for Just Comments. So I decided to share my notes about this technology..
Adding comments to your Jekyll blog
Oleksii RudenkoJanuary 27, 2018 4:33 PM
Jekyll is an engine which transforms your content into a static website. Learn how to add comment widget to your static site easily.
Add comments to your GatsbyJS blog within two minutes
Oleksii RudenkoJanuary 4, 2018 4:33 PM
Static sites are great! They are easy to publish and maintain. You can scale a static website easily for millions of users. And hosting is normally quite cheap. Another advantage is the convenience of local development and and the possibility to preview any change before publishing. One of the challenges of static websites is adding dynamic content to the site. In this post we add comments to a static website.
Synchronization of concurrent HTTP requests in NodeJS
Oleksii RudenkoJanuary 2, 2018 1:11 PM
As the follow-up to my previous post, I wrote a simple NodeJS server which demonstrates how to implement synchronization of concurrent requests so that certain parts of business logic are not executed twice.
Making Better HTTP APIs
Oleksii RudenkoDecember 28, 2017 1:11 PM
In this post, I discuss the problem of duplicate requests in typical HTTP APIs and how to solve it.
Testing DynamoDB Automatic Scaling
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 28, 2017 5:11 PM
DynamoDB is capable of automatic scaling and I put this feature under test to better understand how it works. See my findings in the post
NodeJS: SSO with Kerberos
sjoekleMarch 5, 2017 4:00 PM
In this post, we will talk about implementing Single Sign-On with Kerberos
JS code linting
Ruslan PrytulaFebruary 13, 2017 12:18 AM
Last few years have dramatically changed JavaScript. Nowadays, a typical JS application is a big code base that involves a few developers and significant efforts. Having a linter in your JS app is a must-have feature. In this post I'll try to encourage developers to use one in their JS apps.
Better Resource Management with Bluebird
Oleksii RudenkoFebruary 7, 2017 7:20 PM
How to properly manage (allocate and dispose) resources in your Node services with the help of Bluebird's Resource Management API: examples with node-postgres, redlock and node-tmp.
Webpack: hot reload for CSS modules
Ruslan PrytulaJanuary 16, 2017 8:02 PM
In this post, I'll show you a way to make hot reloading work for stylesheets in a non-React project with enabled CSS modules. By the way, it's going to be a hackish way to get things done :)
Why and How to Use PureComponent in React.js
Dmitry VasyukJanuary 11, 2017 4:20 PM
React 15.3 was released on June 29, 2016 and the first item in release-notes was the support for React.PureComponent, which replaces its predecessor pure-render-mixin. In this article we're going to discuss why this component is so important and where we could use it.
Simple Starter Kit for NodeJS AWS Lambda functions using CloudFormation
Oleksii RudenkoJanuary 8, 2017 1:32 PM
In this tutorial, I present a simple dependency-free starter kit which uses CloudFormation to help you manage NodeJS Lambda functions
Functional Testing of Web Applications using TestCafe and NightWatch
Vladislav IhostDecember 6, 2016 7:08 PM
Comparison of TestCafe and NightWatch, two popular function test frameworks for web applications
Checklist for Developers of Robust Enterprise Services
Sergey TeplyakovNovember 21, 2016 6:00 PM
This checklist outlines main points that every developer who integrates enterprise APIs should keep in mind in order to create robust and resilient systems
Performance of Inter-process Communications in Node.js
Alexandr ShuvaevNovember 16, 2016 10:00 PM
In this post results of performance tests of different flavors of inter-process communication in NodeJS are presented. In particular, the following options are tested: Redis Pub/Sub vs ChildProcess.send vs tcp sockets vs unix sockets
Hot Reloading for Chrome Extensions
Vitaly GordonNovember 13, 2016 11:35 AM
This blog post introduces a hot reloader for Chrome extensions that greatly simplifies the development workflow
Universal Javascript with JSPM
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 30, 2016 3:23 PM
This is a short tutorial on how to implement something similar to what next.js does using JSPM ( with server-side rendering and automatic code splitting). Inspired by next.js
Immediate State Updates for REST/HTTP APIs using Observer Pattern
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 23, 2016 8:55 PM
In this post I talk about some limitations of APIs developed in enterprises nowadays and in particular about the problem of getting updates via normal HTTP APIs and how it can be solved by applying the Observer pattern.
Working with PostgreSQL's timestamp without timezone in Node
Oleksii RudenkoJune 1, 2016 8:55 PM
In the post you will learn how to use timestamp fields without a timezone in PostgreSQL and Node and how to avoid issues with timezones
EmberCLI - Include external library and its resources
Ruslan PrytulaMarch 24, 2016 7:55 PM
Ember CLI: How to add external library and related resources to your app. Materialize CSS is used an example to show how to add all Roboto fonts to the app. Read how broccoli-funnel helps to tackle the problem.
ES6 Slides
Oleksii RudenkoFebruary 5, 2016 9:16 PM
Slides presenting major ES6 features and probable ES7 features. Also highlights what features are supported in node 4.2.*, the current LTS release
Executing JS Code in a Sandbox with Node's VM Module
Oleksii RudenkoJanuary 11, 2016 7:25 PM
Executing JS code with Node's VM module: basic usage, performance and safety issues.
Generating Coupon/Voucher Codes in NodeJS
Oleksii RudenkoNovember 9, 2015 9:00 PM
simple tutorial on using a nodejs library for coupon code generation called coupon-code
Ember Way to Format Data Using Dynamic CPs, Services and Helpers
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 27, 2015 5:26 PM
Complete tutorial on implementing formatting routines and connecting them to various parts of your app through computed properties, services and helpers.
Best Practices for Using Promises in JS
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 21, 2015 10:29 PM
A list of 6 things that I consider as best practices when it comes to working with Promises
Using Recast to Automate Analysis and Maintenance of JS Code
Oleksii RudenkoOctober 18, 2015 12:46 AM
Read an introduction to Recast and a short tutorial on using it to automate common tasks of source code processing
Rendering PDF files in the browser with JS
Ruslan PrytulaOctober 7, 2015 12:51 AM
Overview of JS libraries which are able to render PDF files in the browser
Adding Analytics to Your Ember Apps Once and for all Using Segment's Analytics.js
Oleksii RudenkoSeptember 30, 2015 9:47 PM
This tutorial shows how to integrate your Ember or ember-cli app with Analytics.js by Segment - an open-source adapter for various analytics platforms
Router service for Ember Apps
Oleksii RudenkoSeptember 30, 2015 9:47 PM
An example of how to prepare your Ember App for the soon-coming(hopefully) Router service
Sencha Touch/ExtJS: Avoiding memory leaks
Ruslan PrytulaAugust 13, 2015 8:54 PM
In this blog post a couple of techniques to avoid memory leaks in Sencha Touch are described
How to render an HTMLBars template to a string in Ember 2.0?
Oleksii RudenkoAugust 13, 2015 8:42 PM
In this blog post, I show how to render a HTMLBars template to a string in Ember 2.0
Development of Cross-browser Extensions using ES6 and BabelJS
Ruslan PrytulaAugust 13, 2015 8:37 PM
Last few months we're working really hard on our service Tips by 60 Devs. In this post I would like to share an experience of how we developed an extension for 3 browsers, which problems we encountered and how we solved them.
Rapid Server Development with Koa.js, Redis, PM2 and ES6 generators
Oleksii RudenkoJuly 10, 2015 10:15 PM
Tips by 60devs is a micro-donations platform that allows sending money (aka tips) to people who helped you on the Web. In this blog post I explain how we built a nodejs server for it using Koa.js, Redis, PM2 and ES6 generators
Tips by 60devs: New Social Payments Platform
Oleksii RudenkoJuly 5, 2015 9:03 PM
Tips is a new social payments platform providing an opportunity to thank developers (and/or others), who helped you out on Stack Overflow, Github or Gitter by sending them money gratuities (tips).
Ember.js: Process Click on Link-To Helper if No Transition Happens
Oleksii RudenkoJuly 3, 2015 1:15 AM
For 1 year of development with Ember I never needed something like this until yesterday. The task was to attach a handler to the `link-to` helper that would run when there is no transition fired by the helper itself (e.g. when the link-to helper points to the current route). In particular, I needed to scroll to the top of the window when no transition happens
Optimizing default JSPM workflow with Gulp and Nginx
Oleksii RudenkoJune 25, 2015 9:25 PM
The default JSPM workflow is slow for bigger apps. This post is about optimizing the default workflow using nginx and gulp and about making it 10x faster. Demo project included.
How to Start the App as Early as Possible or DOMContentLoaded vs window.onload
Oleksii RudenkoJune 23, 2015 7:55 PM
There are cases when you need to show your app as soon as possible without waiting for the page to be completely loaded. It's a common requirement for embeddable apps which are injected into a 3rd party web page via asynchronous `script` tag
How to Use SystemJS hooks for building a Production Version of Your App
Oleksii RudenkoMay 5, 2015 7:55 PM
I use Ember.js and JSPM to build apps. Ember releases usually contain several files:, ember.debug.js, ember.min.js etc. Ember.debug.js is handy for development and contains some extra code that enables better development process. And is the version specifically made for production use...
Notes About Differences in Plugin Micro Syntax Between Various ES6 Module Loaders
Oleksii RudenkoMay 5, 2015 7:55 PM
I've made a small research on how various module loaders handle non-js resources and template(hbs) files in particular. I've compared three of them: Webpack, AMD/RequireJS, the one JSPM relies on and the one ember-cli uses
Simple Way to Manage Local Node Modules Using NPM Link
Oleksii RudenkoApril 12, 2015 2:00 PM
If you develop a modular application for Node.js, you may end up having lots of local node modules which you don't want to publish yet. Nevertheless, you need to use them pretty much like any of the published node modules in order to ease the subsequent publishing
Using HTML 5 Application Cache for Single Page Applications
Oleksii RudenkoApril 1, 2015 10:42 PM
About common pitfalls when working with HTML5 Application cache. Recently I added the HTML 5 application cache to an Ember app. Actually, the app already used the application cache but it didn't work well. For example, the new releases didn't always make it to the users and the app broke because the client part of it was stale and the server part was new.
Ember.js: How to Hide Views Using IsVisible Property
Oleksii RudenkoFebruary 3, 2015 8:57 PM
How to control display of items using Ember.js View's isVisible property
Ember.js: My Observers Do Not Work or RTFM
Oleksii RudenkoDecember 14, 2014 1:34 PM
The article is about Ember.js observers and how to make them fire on object initialization
Ember.js and the Web Speech API: Example of a Speech Recognition Component
Oleksii RudenkoDecember 7, 2014 5:00 PM
The article describes the Web Speech API (speech synthesis and speech recognition) using a simple Ember.js component as an example. The component gets the voice input and sends it to your Ember.js app. Also it can speak back what the API has recognized
Ember.JS: Using The Unbound Helper
Oleksii RudenkoNovember 30, 2014 1:00 PM
Unbound helpers in Ember.js allow product output that does not change of the input data changes. These helpers may improve performance and this article describes some features of the unbound helpers in Ember.js
Experiments: Using Image Sprites and IMG Tags to Display a Set of Images
Oleksii RudenkoNovember 18, 2014 12:14 AM
The article discusses the image sprites to be used with the IMG tag for the content images. The generation of the sprites happens on the fly on the nodejs server