By Oleksii Rudenko January 3, 2017 9:59 PM
NPM: How to Install Specific Version of a Module

Newcomers to Node and NPM often ask how to install a specific version of a certain NPM package. There are several ways to accomplish this. First, let’s start with the basic NPM CLI syntax:

npm install lodash

This command installs lodash in the current folder and fetches the latest available version.

If you know the exact version of the package, you can append it to the package name after the @ character:

npm install lodash@4.17.4

You can look up the latest version for any NPM package at

If you don’t know the exact version of the package, NPM allows using semantic ranges to define the version. For example,

npm install lodash@^4.0.0

This command will install the latest 4.x.x version. You can learn more about the syntax of semantic versioning at

Both aforementioned examples don’t modify package.json and don’t add installed modules to the list of dependencies. Use --save to add the installed module to the package.json’s dependencies and --save-dev to add it to devDependencies. If you install a module without defining a specific version (i.e. without any version or using a semantic range), NPM will add the semantic range to the package.json as is. To prevent this, use --save-exact flag in addition to --save or --save-dev. This flag will force NPM to store the exact module version in the package.json.


  1. npm install lodash --save --save-exact - installs the latest version and saves the exact version in the dependencies in the package.json.
  2. npm install lodash --save-dev --save-exact - installs the latest version and saves the exact version in the devDependencies map in the package.json.
  3. npm install lodash --save - installs the latest version and saves the semantic range in the dependencies in the package.json. E.g. "lodash": "^4.17.4".


  • Specifying --save-exact alone is not sufficient. You need to define either --save or --save-dev and --save-exact. For example, npm install mocha --save-dev --save-exact or npm install lodash --save --save-exact
  • --save, --save-exact, --save-dev obviously don’t work together with the -g flag which installs the module globally.

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