From time to time, it’s required to generate codes for users that they can use to claim some discounts or bonuses later. Instead of inventing something yourself, you can use the existing library called coupon-code
npm install coupon-code --save
The interface of the module is simple. To generate a code, call generate
var couponCode = require('coupon-code');
couponCode.generate(); // default settings 3 parts, each 4 character long
couponCode.generate({ parts: 3}); // generate 3 sections of the code
// each of the default length
couponCode.generate({ partLen: 4 }); // generate default number of sections
// of given length
couponCode.generate({ partLen: 5, parts: 2}); // generate 10-character code
// consisting of two sections
To validate a code, use validate
method. This method does not only validate the entered code, it deals with the input errors as well. Before validating, the method uppercases the code and then replaces letters that are similar to numbers with numbers: O
-> 0
, Z
-> 2
, S
-> 5
and I
-> 1
. So if user confuses some letters/numbers, his voucher will still be validated successfully.
For example,
couponCode.validate('G914-PLPB', { parts: 2}); // => G914-PLPB
// I is typed instead of 1
couponCode.validate('G9I4-PLPB', { parts: 2}); // returns the same as above
The validate
method returns an empty string if the input is invalid and the canonical code if the input is valid even if there are input errors. Generation algorithm ensures that all versions with typos result in the same canonical code.
It’s important to provide the correct of the code (i.e. parts and partLen) as the library will not derive them.
Practical Usage
Uniqueness is not ensured by the algorithm. Therefore your application has to make sure that the generated code is unique. For example, if the check is possible in a synchronous manner:
var code = null;
do {
code = couponCode.generate();
} while (!unique(code));
// code is unique here
return code;
Or with promises (similar with callbacks):
var couponCode = require('coupon-code');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var count = 0;
// this is code that checks uniqueness and returns a promise
function check(code) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
// first resolve with false, on second try resolve with true
if (count === 1) {
console.log(code + ' is not unique');
} else {
console.log(code + ' is unique');
}, 1000);
var generateUniqueCode = Promise.method(function() {
var code = couponCode.generate();
return check(code)
.then(function(result) {
if (result) {
return code;
} else {
return generateUniqueCode();
generateUniqueCode().then(function(code) {
Thanks for reading.