Dear readers,
This post will be a very brief note about the isVisible of the Ember.View class.
In my opinion, displaying a list of items is a very common pattern. I usually solved it similar to this:
var data = [
id: 1,
name: "Name A",
enabled: true
}, {
id: 2,
name: "Name B",
enabled: false
}, {
id: 3,
name: "Name C",
enabled: true
{{#each item in data}}
{{#if item.enabled}}
<li>{{}}: {{}}</li>
Later I’ve learned that it’s possible to decompose this into the better maintainable pieces by adding a view class that represent an element of the list:
App.EachElementView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'li'
templateName: 'each-element'
{{each data itemViewClass="each-element"}}
<!-- each-element.hbs -->
{{}}: {{}}
This approach gives a better control over each item through a separate view class. Templates are more simple as well.
One may wonder how does one control which element to show when using this approach. I used to alter the data by filtering out items which should not show up. But using isVisible attribute of Ember.View is much better! Here is how I implement this pattern now:
The item is stored in the content
property so the line
isVisible: Ember.computed.alias('content.enabled')
does the trick.
Thanks for reading!